How am I doing with my New Year's goals?
Goals for Blog
- Regular Posting Schedule - I hit everything this week and then a little more, to get timely (or past-timely) information out there before it got too late.
- Design - Still thinking about the new design and wondering what I should do. I bought the domain name (!). I have been really considering Blogger vs Wordpress. Blogger offers much easier photo integration and everything is already set up here... Wordpress has more design options and an editorial calendar plugin, which would be awesome. I am still leaning toward sticking with Blogger and just setting it up to use with my domain name (now if only I could figure out how to make it all look better...). Any thoughts?
- Exposure - Generally increasing traffic by posting my new posts on Twitter. Last week I made my first-ever cent!
Goals for Self
- Health/Wellness - I worked out a couple of times (stationary bike and push-ups). I need to be exercising way more, though. I've upped my water intake and did a decent job of avoiding chocolate until we were stuck inside (so I ate a lot of M&Ms and hot chocolate recently). My thought is that for most of the sweets, once it's gone, it's gone. We will keep M&Ms and baking supplies (chocolate chips, cocoa, sugar) on hand but otherwise I'd like to get rid of the processed cookies and candies. If I want to eat sweets, I want them to be homemade. Mental health-wise, we started thinking about spring break and we are also planning to take a trip to Colorado in May. I definitely think traveling frequently contributes to better wellness for me!
- Education - We started setting up Eric's website and I learned a lot about setting up Wordpress, ha! I also did some education-based stuff for work.
- Business - No new fronts on this (besides making 1 cent!). Just a lot of thinking :)
How are you doing with your New Year's resolutions/goals? I really want this to be the best year yet and this little recap definitely keeps me thinking about what I want to be doing this year! Thanks for reading :)
Goals Recap - Week 2
Reviewed by Maria
3:00:00 PM
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