Weekend Links

1:00:00 PM
As I get settled into a new routine, you can start to expect some more normal travel/adventure-related posts! Until then, enjoy some things ...
Weekend Links Weekend Links Reviewed by Maria on 1:00:00 PM Rating: 5

Weekend Links

1:53:00 PM
Here are some interesting and/or fun links I found on the Internet this week... Humor Dogs in Photobooths Life A Robin Williams st...
Weekend Links Weekend Links Reviewed by Maria on 1:53:00 PM Rating: 5


3:07:00 PM
In the past three weeks we moved and went on a vacation, and we have no internet in our new place until next week. I am also trying to get p...
Busy/update Busy/update Reviewed by Maria on 3:07:00 PM Rating: 5

Colorado 2014 Trip Recap

3:00:00 PM
That's a wrap on our wonderful, amazing Colorado trip! You can see all the posts about what we did on the Adventures page, and I've ...
Colorado 2014 Trip Recap Colorado 2014 Trip Recap Reviewed by Maria on 3:00:00 PM Rating: 5
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