Colorado 2014 Trip Recap

That's a wrap on our wonderful, amazing Colorado trip! You can see all the posts about what we did on the Adventures page, and I've included a Google map to show you where all we went. I hope you enjoyed hearing about our trip :)

Best Thing To Happen Ever
Getting engaged on top of the world at the summit of Mt Bierstadt. Yep, that will be a pretty hard thing to ever beat :)

Favorite Place We Ate
I actually liked everywhere we ate and especially liked the company we had.

Favorite Outdoorsy Thing
Obviously hiking the 14er was the best, but I also really enjoyed all of our other hikes (especially Alberta Falls and Mt Falcon) too. And the wildlife refuge and Garden of the Gods hike. And, well, it's Colorado. Everything is awesome!

Favorite Museum
We only went to one museum (Colorado Railroad Museum), which is kind of crazy, but at least it was a pretty good one!

Colorado 2014 Trip Recap Colorado 2014 Trip Recap Reviewed by Maria on 3:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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