As I get settled into a new routine, you can start to expect some more normal travel/adventure-related posts! Until then, enjoy some things I found on the Internet.
- Why the Increase in Food Allergies? (One of my biggest fears for my future children is that they'll have food allergies. I have spent a lot of time over the past year or so trying to find out what causes allergies, and other bad things, to happen to children. It's one of the main reasons I've been trying to eliminate basically everything bad from my body. Obviously I am a fan of modern medicine, but this is interesting to keep in mind.)
- Neural Nostalgia (Why you love your teenage-years music so much. 90s music, come back!)
- Alongways (Similar to
- Nick Reboot Stream (Nick-nick-nick-ni-nick-nick-nick, Nickelodeon!)
Weekend Links
Reviewed by Maria
1:00:00 PM
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