Vaughan, Ontario, Canada: Canada's Wonderland - Time Warp

Time Warp was the thirteenth, and final, ride we rode at Canada's Wonderland.
We were interested in this ride because it looks so different from any other roller coaster. You get into a cage standing up, then you are lowered onto your stomach, and you go down the track head first. There aren't any real drops or speed, but lots of turns and twists. There aren't any seatbelts, just a cage holding you and three others in -- loading and unloading was hectic and seemed dangerous (the ride attendant ushers you in as soon as others get out of your cage, but the cage is still moving so you have to quickly jump on and climb in, then the attendant will jump up and grab the cage and shut you in). The headrests were not in the right spot for neither Eric nor me, and both of our heads got bounced around. I was pressed/falling against the back of the cage (instead of being on my stomach) for most of the ride. So, interesting idea, but not well executed. I didn't feel well after this ride and neither did Eric, so it was our last ride of the night.

Maria - 4/10
Eric - 4/10

Link to Video
The ride from the point of view from one of the cars can be found here. We don't take videos or photos when we ride so all the links to videos will be from other people.

See all of our Canada's Wonderland experience here.
Vaughan, Ontario, Canada: Canada's Wonderland - Time Warp Vaughan, Ontario, Canada: Canada's Wonderland - Time Warp Reviewed by Maria on 3:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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