Huron, OH: Nickel Plate Beach

Before heading to dinner, we stopped at another beach just on the other side of the Huron River from Lake Front Park.
We decided to eat at the Sand Bar, which looked like it was near the water (it is near the water but no view...actually there aren't even any windows in the restaurant, kind of weird!) so we parked and realized there was another beach just down the road. We walked down a street lined with tiny cabin/cottage homes (likely vacation places) and found ourselves on a great stretch of beach, Nickel Plate Beach.

The beach we were just on is right behind those trees! This side is completely different. No Cedar Point view, no big houses, no big rocks. Just beautiful beach.

There is also a lighthouse. I didn't see a way to walk out to it, but I was happy to see one on our trip.

There is also a playground and beach volleyball court. This would be a great place to come set up for a day at the lake.

Just be careful of all the birds flying above. You might be given an unwanted present.

I did get in the water a little bit here (ankles/calves) and it wasn't too cold. The sand felt great and we had such a nice sunset. We will hopefully be back on future visits to Eric's mom if the weather is nice enough.
Huron, OH: Nickel Plate Beach Huron, OH: Nickel Plate Beach Reviewed by Maria on 1:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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