Allentown, PA: Dorney Park - Cedar Creek Cannonball

Cedar Creek Cannonball was the second ride we rode at Dorney Park.
This is not a coaster but a train ride through the park. It is very slow and the mic'd attendant had an impossible-to-understand Chinese accent, so we have no idea what he was telling us about.

Maria - 2/10
Eric - 2/10

Link to Video
The ride from the point of view from the train can be found here. We don't take videos or photos when we ride so all the links to videos will be from other people.

See all of our Dorney Park experience here.
Allentown, PA: Dorney Park - Cedar Creek Cannonball Allentown, PA: Dorney Park - Cedar Creek Cannonball Reviewed by Maria on 1:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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