This is the first blueberry-decorated Graze box I've received :) And it was a good one! I think the Graze boxes themselves are well designed and attractive (and completely recyclable), they don't take up too much space on my desk at work, and they fit right in our mailbox.
Cherries & Berries: cherries, lingonberries, cranberries, and jumbo raisins
I like dried fruit, and this was a great supplement to the yogurt I had for breakfast with it.
Hot Cross Yum: orange raisins, sponge pieces, and cinnamon honey almonds
I have had this before and am always surprised how much I like the little sponge pieces. They are like cookies. This one was a little more cinnamon-y than the last, and it made it even better.
Cracking Black Pepper Cashews: black pepper cashews, roasted cashews, and redskin peanuts
So, I don't really like black pepper. At all. And yet...I actually kind of liked this snack. What is happening to me? (Don't get any funny ideas. The other snacks with black pepper have been tried and immediately passed on to coworkers.)
Smoky Gazpacho Dip: smoky gazpacho relish with wholemeal crisp bread slices
The smoky smell hit as soon as I opened the pack, and I was a little worried (apparently I associate smoky-smelling with spicy-tasting?), but had absolutely no reason to be. This sauce was good, just the right proportions of smoky and sweet. The little bread crisps were awesome as well. I love crunchy bread things.
There was no joke on this box, but the hidden phrase is "ellie <3's berries".
If you are interested in signing up for Graze, you can click here and get your 1st and 5th boxes for free via my referral. It's $6/box (you can get it monthly, every two weeks, or in some parts of the country, every week!). The entire box is recyclable (even the little boxes the snacks come in), they have a full-time nutritionist who makes sure every snack has some kind of nutritional value, and the food is good.
Disclaimer: I received no compensation for this review and all opinions are my own.
Subscription Review: Graze
Reviewed by Maria
10:00:00 AM

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