Goals Recap - Week 9

Last day of February! Time to check in on my New Year's goals:

Goals for Blog
  • Regular Posting Schedule - I got everything written ahead of time, which is what I try to do (much less stressful!).
  • Design - I added in "social media" buttons to the bottom of each post. You can now tweet, like, and pin (and email, of course) the posts.
  • Exposure - Being able to get out and doing things around Bloomington last weekend gave me a big boost in traffic, which was awesome (I earned another cent!). As the weather warms up around here, expect to see a lot more local posts, instead of so much of my going back and recounting our adventures from last year (those will still be here, too!).
Goals for Self
  • Health/Wellness - This week I haven't been feeling super awesome and hopefully I will get some quality recovery time in over the weekend. 
  • Education - I bought a GoPro and have been watching tutorials and reading articles on how best to use it. I am so excited to be able to take it out and about! I need to learn how to use it properly before we go on vacation so I can be sure to get good shots.
  • Business - Nothing new this week.
How are you doing with your New Year's resolutions/goals? This little recap definitely keeps me thinking about what I want to be doing this year! Thanks for reading :)
Goals Recap - Week 9 Goals Recap - Week 9 Reviewed by Maria on 3:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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