Au Train, MI: Laughing Whitefish Falls Scenic Site

After checking out the Au Train Falls, we headed to Laughing Whitefish Falls Scenic Site

This one included a (short) mile-long hike through some incredibly vibrant greenery. I kept thinking we might see a bear but we did not :)

The falls were beautiful. They might have been the best falls we saw all trip (there's one in Pictured Rocks that was good that we got to be closer to, but this was pretty great).

You can actually take the stairs all the way to the bottom of the falls. We chose not to do this because our feet were unprepared for the hike (wrong shoes) and coming back up all those stairs was a daunting thought :) The view from the observation platform we were on was gorgeous enough for us!

We also took silly pictures here. This is one of my other favorite photos from the trip! (Not coincidentally, ALL my favorite photos from this trip are Eric being awesome with juxtaposition.)

 I would totally recommend this waterfall, especially if you have good shoes and some energy to do the hike and maybe go to the bottom. It was so pretty.

Au Train, MI: Laughing Whitefish Falls Scenic Site Au Train, MI: Laughing Whitefish Falls Scenic Site Reviewed by Maria on 10:00:00 AM Rating: 5


  1. Aren't the waterfalls in the UP amazing?! Did you know that in the winter, people climb up the ice? How crazy would that be!

    A // Equal Parts of a Whole //

    1. Awesome! Everything you say makes half my brain want to go to Michigan in the winter...! The other half tries to be rational. Ha!


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