NYC: Grand Central Station

The first stop after meeting up with my friends at Penn Station was to go see Grand Central Station.

It was beautiful.

Despite having been to New York City once before, I had never been to Grand Central before this past Tuesday. During my previous trip, I was 14 and part of a choir (the Columbus Indiana Children's Choir) that was chosen to perform in Carnegie Hall for St Patrick's Day. At that point in my life that was pretty much the coolest thing I'd ever done (actually, it is still one of the coolest things I've ever done). But unfortunately we did not get to do too much sightseeing. (The group I was assigned to didn't seem understand that we were in New York City for goodness' sake and we should go do stuff you can only do in New York City! They just wanted Sbarro's pizza and Starbucks coffee every day instead. Really.)

Luckily, my lack of seeing at least Grand Central was remedied on this trip. It did not disappoint.

The ceiling is constellations. And they really have light coming through them.

View of each side. What majestic windows.

View looking at the center.

I am definitely glad I got to see such a beautiful historic landmark.
NYC: Grand Central Station NYC: Grand Central Station Reviewed by Maria on 5:32:00 PM Rating: 5

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