Indianapolis, IN: Rocket Fizz

While we were walking around Monument Circle in downtown Indy, I spied this soda and candy shop called Rocket Fizz. It's a franchise, but I'd never seen it before and wound up dragging everyone inside with me.

For good reason. It was basically like heaven.

Hundreds of sodas to pick from (they also had a good selection chilled in the back of the store).

Tons and tons of candy.

Including candy that is hard to find in the United States.

Eric bought a vanilla root beer that I thought was very tasty. I didn't buy anything because I wanted ice cream later, and I didn't want my things to melt in the car (we were headed to a baseball game). But you can be assured I wanted to buy about 1,000,000 different things in this store.

Hopefully I can go back sometime and pick up some chocolates, retro candies, or interesting sodas. I try not to eat too much of that these days, but there are always exceptions ;)
Indianapolis, IN: Rocket Fizz Indianapolis, IN: Rocket Fizz Reviewed by Maria on 3:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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