Goals Recap - Week 26


This weekend we are hoping to spend time outside when not watching soccer (we are going to a picnic). I am in disbelief that it's the last weekend of June. Where is the summer going?

Goals for Blog
  • Regular Posting Schedule - Everything got up and I am working on posts for next week. I am also going to start a new weekly link roundup that will post on Saturdays, so that will be fun! I always love everybody else's link roundups.
  • Design - Nothing new here.
  • Exposure - Lots of Bloomington traffic from things we went to last week, and of course our proposal story got a ton of activity since we put it on Facebook :) (Thanks, friends, for reading!!)
Goals for Self
  • Health/Wellness - Soccer is both good and bad for the health. In other news, a yoga app I've been eyeing for a while was free on Google Play earlier this week (this one) and I can't wait to try out the programs on it. I am thinking about adding a more specific health/fitness/life section here to dive more into these topics that interest me so much, and also to get myself more motivated to get up and get in shape!
  • Education - Nothing new this week.
  • Business - Nothing new here.
How are you doing with your New Year's resolutions/goals? This little recap definitely keeps me thinking about what I want to be doing this year! Thanks for reading :)
Goals Recap - Week 26 Goals Recap - Week 26 Reviewed by Maria on 3:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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