Fort Worth, TX: Pioneer Plaza Cattle Drive Sculpture

On our way to the Dallas Convention Center for Bracket Town, we wandered right smack into the middle of a cattle drive.

Pioneer Plaza is next to the convention center and it is the largest open space in the Dallas business district. It'll be hard to miss!

The longhorns are six feet high and massive in person.

Installed in 1995, the detail on these bronze guys is great. There are so many of them and they all seemed to be different.

There are three cowboys herding the cattle along the path and over the water.

We also went up behind them to get a different view.

It seems to be a fun place to check out if you're in downtown Dallas. We had no idea it was there until we saw it, but it looked like a big hit with all the other Final Four fans we saw taking photos, too.

Fort Worth, TX: Pioneer Plaza Cattle Drive Sculpture Fort Worth, TX: Pioneer Plaza Cattle Drive Sculpture Reviewed by Maria on 3:00:00 PM Rating: 5


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