DC: GWU Graduation on the National Mall

Yesterday morning I was officially conferred my Master's degree, while standing between the Washington Monument and the Capitol Building.

This is a novelty thing (at least I feel this way) and is fairly inconvenient to everyone involved, but I had been looking forward to it for the past two years. It is fun to tell people you graduated on the National Mall.

It was foggy and drizzling for most of the ceremony, but at least it wasn't cold. It was a far cry from my undergraduate graduation though, which was sunny and incredibly hot, especially in robes. Eric's Master's ceremony was also rainy, so maybe it's a Master's thing :)

So to anyone down on the Mall yesterday and anyone planning on visiting DC in the middle of May, remember to check what day graduation for GW is, because an extra 25,000 people will flood the area.
DC: GWU Graduation on the National Mall DC: GWU Graduation on the National Mall Reviewed by Maria on 9:07:00 AM Rating: 5

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