Sycamore Township, OH: The Festival in Sycamore - America! Concert

In between our Tennessee and Michigan trips, we took in a free outdoor concert in Cincinnati with Eric's dad. The featured music group was America!. You may think you've never heard of them, but in fact they are the band that sings Horse With No Name (among some others you'll hear on the classic hits station, like Sister Golden Hair).

I always think it's kind of crazy that bands that used to be huge are now playing free/cheap concerts in local parks. We had a good time at this one; it was totally packed. On our drive to Cincy, Eric and I listened to a whole America! CD so we'd be prepared for the concert, so we knew a lot of the songs that were sung.

In the park next to the concert was a little fair going on, and the ferris wheel was incredibly bright. The lead singer actually pointed it out, laughing, that its brightness was totally distracting him.

I like to try to see bands I know live whenever I can, and being free was icing. I can't wait for when the weather warms back up for some summer concert series, of which Bloomington has a lot! Did you see any good outdoor concerts this year?
Sycamore Township, OH: The Festival in Sycamore - America! Concert Sycamore Township, OH: The Festival in Sycamore - America! Concert Reviewed by Maria on 9:57:00 AM Rating: 5

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