Weekend Links

Your Life in Weeks (Depressing and motivating at the same time)

14 striking findings from 2014 (Some interesting stats)

Andrew Luck Coming to DePauw for Ubben Lecture (The Ubben Lecture series is one of the best things about DePauw, btw)
Why You Should Never, Ever Throw Anything Away (Old baseball cards on the Antiques Roadshow; I am so hesitant to throw anything away already, ha! Although I am positive I have nothing of any significant value, just a whole lot of Soviet dishware.)

The Magic of Epsom Salt Baths (Every bath I've ever taken since middle school has had Epsom salts in it. My mom had me using them to relieve muscle pain from playing an incredible amount of soccer, but obviously they have a lot of other benefits too.)

18th Century Paintings and Squirrels
The 15 Best Hoosier Moments in Parks & Recreation (We don't really watch normal TV shows, but I like the episodes I've seen of Parks & Rec; I am a sucker for anything to do with Indiana.)

You Can Now Play Nearly 2,400 MS-DOS Video Games in Your Browser (I used the Wayback Machine when teaching web stuff at GW and am a big fan of the Internet Archive project in general. This is awesome.)

Weekend Links Weekend Links Reviewed by Maria on 1:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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