Weekend Links

Enjoy some of my Internet wanderings from this week!


  • 15 Career Tips From Smart Women (Good for everyone to read. Also, listed here are some real good women to look up to.)
  • Do You Resist When Anyone Asks or Tells You To Do Something? (I'm half Rebel, quarter Obliger, and with a little bit of Upholder and Questioner thrown in for good measure, like in school. But I hate doing stuff because some outside source has told me to do it. It was worse growing up, but I still sense a lot of resistance these days, i.e. I pretty much only want to do what I want to do or what I have personally come up with. I don't think it's necessarily a good way to be and I'm working on it!)




Weekend Links Weekend Links Reviewed by Maria on 1:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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