Weekend Links

Here are some interesting links I found this week:


  • America Needs a Playtime Intervention (Until about high school, I spent the majority of my free time playing, either outside with sticks and rocks or inside with Legos and musical instruments. We definitely had "structured" extracurricular activities, but it was mostly stuff we actually wanted to do, like sports and music. My brother and I had wicked imaginations that I seem to have lost along the way, but he has luckily retained. I pretty much want my kids to play as much as they can. My parents encouraged us to enjoy being a kid for as long as possible, and I would like to do the same.)
  • Rajio Taiso (I would like to try this. I almost always take a walk each day, but not till the afternoon. I'm going to start doing some movement like this as I'm getting ready for work and/or perhaps when I get to my desk.)

Weekend Links Weekend Links Reviewed by Maria on 3:19:00 PM Rating: 5

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