I am REALLY excited to say that Eric and I have the opportunity to take a few weeks to travel out to Montana on what looks to be an amazing road trip. Eric's best friend lives out near Glacier National Park and we are going to capitalize on his location while he's there! I have spent quite a bit of time this summer planning, and if you're interested here is a brief outline of what we have planned for the month of July:
1) Spend some time in Chicago with my brother and his girlfriend
2) Check out the Field of Dreams in Iowa
3) Head to Minneapolis to see another of Eric's friends and go to a Twins game
4) Pass across North Dakota, where there is more to see than I thought!
5) Spend a night in Theodore Roosevelt National Park
6) Drive across the Hi Line of Montana
7) Get into Glacier Country and spend about a week around Glacier National Park
8) Head south to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks
9) Drive along the Beartooth Highway
10) Check out Devil's Tower
11) Explore the Black Hills, including Mt Rushmore, the Minuteman Missile Historic Site, and Badlands National Park
12) Stop in Omaha to check Nebraska off our list
13) Head home and grab another baseball game on the way, either in Kansas City or St Louis
It's going to be awesome. I have been looking forward to it for months and can't wait to get out to the mountains and lakes and waterfalls!
I will do my best to update the blog as best and quickly as I can (I know some of my friends are following along in real time!), although internet will likely be spotty or nonexistent (like at campgrounds) and we'll be spending most of our time outside :) The best chance for updates is following along with me on Instagram. Otherwise you can expect to see a full recap after we get back!
1) Spend some time in Chicago with my brother and his girlfriend
2) Check out the Field of Dreams in Iowa
3) Head to Minneapolis to see another of Eric's friends and go to a Twins game
4) Pass across North Dakota, where there is more to see than I thought!
5) Spend a night in Theodore Roosevelt National Park
6) Drive across the Hi Line of Montana
7) Get into Glacier Country and spend about a week around Glacier National Park
8) Head south to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks
9) Drive along the Beartooth Highway
10) Check out Devil's Tower
11) Explore the Black Hills, including Mt Rushmore, the Minuteman Missile Historic Site, and Badlands National Park
12) Stop in Omaha to check Nebraska off our list
13) Head home and grab another baseball game on the way, either in Kansas City or St Louis
It's going to be awesome. I have been looking forward to it for months and can't wait to get out to the mountains and lakes and waterfalls!
I will do my best to update the blog as best and quickly as I can (I know some of my friends are following along in real time!), although internet will likely be spotty or nonexistent (like at campgrounds) and we'll be spending most of our time outside :) The best chance for updates is following along with me on Instagram. Otherwise you can expect to see a full recap after we get back!
Upcoming Trip - Indiana to Montana and back
Reviewed by Maria
2:22:00 PM
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