Cataract Falls, Cataract, IN: Upper Falls Mini Trail and Lower Falls Completely Flooded

With all the rain we've been having lately, I figured a quick stop at Cataract Falls was in order. Last time I visited, in early March, I'd seen the Upper Falls raging and the Lower Falls totally submerged. This time, I found the Upper Falls the highest I've seen and the Lower Falls a laughable idea in a totally flooded parking lot.

These falls typically are a 20+ foot drop to the bottom. This is more like half that. In summer (and winter, when frozen) there's enough space for tall people to walk behind the falls under the protruding ledge, if that gives any indication for how high the water is.

On my previous hike, I was along the right side of the below photo. That trail is completely underwater right now.

There is a kind of "mini" (unsanctioned) trail below the two viewing platforms near the Upper Falls parking lot. You can get to it by walking around the viewing platforms (it's really easy to spot) and following it down as far as you want. I took it down in front of the falls and found it to be relatively easy (there are some larger rocks you'll need to climb over).

From the Upper Falls, you can drive down to the Lower Falls. There is a notice of high water on the side of the road (but it's not closed as of 4/13/18), and the road out to the picnic area was completely closed. This is why:

Everything is under water! Normally, the above photo is just woods. No water at all. And the below photo is a large parking lot.

Out in the distance you can see the bathroom is half underwater, and the picnic shelter is just barely above the water. The Lower Falls are usually out past the bathroom.

Several other folks were driving down here while I was here, too, and we all had a good "wow!" moment together. I definitely recommend going to Cataract Falls soon while the water is so crazy, then go again in the summertime to see it back to "normal". Entrance to this state recreation area is now free! Enjoy!
Cataract Falls, Cataract, IN: Upper Falls Mini Trail and Lower Falls Completely Flooded Cataract Falls, Cataract, IN: Upper Falls Mini Trail and Lower Falls Completely Flooded Reviewed by Maria on 12:13:00 PM Rating: 5

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