Clifty Falls State Park, Madison, IN: Lilly Memorial Overlook

As I mentioned earlier, on trail 4 you'll see a sign for the Lilly Memorial Overlook. It was pointing to a giant staircase, and we decided to skip the stairs in favor of stopping at the overlook on our drive to our next trail. This turned out to be a good decision (you will already be getting a great workout on trails 4 and 5).

The overlook is a nice little memorial. There is a stone bench to sit on and enjoy the view, as well as a picnic table.

The view is okay (the smokestacks) but I imagine that it is very pretty later in the spring through fall.

Here is a peak at the giant staircase.

If you are looking for a good place to stop for a picnic in the park, this would be a good one.

Clifty Falls State Park, Madison, IN: Lilly Memorial Overlook Clifty Falls State Park, Madison, IN: Lilly Memorial Overlook Reviewed by Maria on 3:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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